================== msTextGen Version 1.0 ================== DESCRIPTION ================== This is a 3d text generator for Milkshape3d. REQUIREMENTS ================== - Milkshape3d registered or unregistered versions v1.x.x INSTALLATION ================== - Unzip the contents of this file into the directory in which you have installed Milkshape3d. This will usually be something like: "C:\Program Files\MilkShape 3D 1.6.2" replacing '1.6.2' with the version of ms3d you are using. - Now start Milkshape3d, and you should see a new entry in the tools menu called 'Text Generator'. LIMITATIONS ================== Milkshape3d is a low poly modeller. As such, only a relatively low (compared to other apps) number of polygons can be created. This limits the length of the text you can create, depending on which font you use. CONTACT ================== Author: Craig Musgrave Email: me@logarithmic.co.uk URL: http://www.logarithmic.co.uk DISCLAMER/LICENCE ================== This program is free! If you have paid for it, let me know, so I can take appropriate action. You are allowed to distribute this program freely as long as it is not for profit and this readme file is intact and unmodified. However, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know if you distribute it, as I like to know how far my stuff gets. If you have any problems with this app, find any bugs or have any feature requests, please let me know and I will do my best to help. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. All trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. Copyright© Craig Musgrave 2002. All Rights Reserved.